Saturday, 8 February 2014

Easy steps to do SCD Type 1

SCD type 1 explanation:

Slowly Changing dimension Type 1 doesn't carry the history simply value will be updated with new value. 

Source Table: Customer source table

Target Table: Customer target Stage table

Mapping Design 

Step 1: 

Step 2:

Lookup condition 

Step 3:

Step 4:

Expression Transformation new ports

Step 5:

Expression For changed Flog 

Step 6:

Expression For New Flog

Step 7:

Map to filters from Expression

Step 8:

1st filter condition 

Step 9:

2nd Filter Condition 

Step 10:

connect two filters to two different Update Strategies 

For Inserts Condition : DD_INSERT

For Updates Condition : DD_Update

Step 11:

Connect to target from Update Strategies

Use Target Instance for it

use sequence generator to generate the sequences 

Finally using those Sequence numbers LKP will find the new and changes records in Type 1 Dimension.

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